So your sponge has arrived, but as you take it out of the packaging, it feels rock hard! How on earth will THAT be comfortable?
There are three vital steps to prepping your sponge before first use.
- 1. It’s important to make sure your new sponge is squeaky clean before inserting it into your delicate private parts. Natural sponges are just that: NATURAL. They come from the sea! This means they aren’t sterile and may contain bits of marine debris, principally sand. It’s normal! So, check your new sponge thoroughly, and if you see anything, remove it. To do this better, soak your sponge and agitate it under the water to dislodge any sandy bits. There won’t be a whole beach in there but every new sponge still needs a good inspection and cleaning!
Most brands say they have a provisional check for “bits”, which is great but shouldn’t replace your own in-depth examination.
- 2. Once your sponge is inspected and clean, just make sure you run it under (preferably warm) water, twist the excess water out and viola! Silky floofy fluffiness ready for it’s mission!
- 3. The last step is easy, just squish or twist the sponge into a tampon like bullet shape and, using one hand to separate your labia, insert by pushing the sponge inside with the other hand.
And one final point, removal! To remove the sponge, when sitting on the toilet or squatting just bear down as if you were pushing out something from your womb, insert two fingers, pinch the sponge and pull! This can be quite bloody (it is a sponge after all, and we all know what sponges do when squeezed!) so you might want to do this above the toilet bowl or in the shower or tub after which you can rinse it out and reinsert it.
Some users wrap a piece of dental floss around the sponge when inserrting it to make the removal easier.
Summing up, “wet, twist & insert” and then “remove, rinse & replace”.