We are proudly stocking FacialCare sea sponges from the Sensible Options brand.

FacialCare sponges are the finest quality, Mediterranean Fine Silk sea sponges that Mother Nature produces. For applying or removing makeup, as a makeup blender, for cleansing or exfoliating, there really are no better tools for the job.

First off, they are a zero waste product. Sponges grow naturally, when disposed of they decompose and since we use decomposable packaging there’s really no waste.

Secondly being natural and chemical free means they are really kind to your skin. Hypo-allergenic, they are perfect for sensitive skin, especially for young babies.

Pores. The heart of the sponge

But the pore structure of the sponges is where the magic really comes from. This fantastic system of pores allows for soap, creams and gels to be pulled into the sponge along with water just by squeezing your hand whilst cleansing. Another squeeze and you notice how the sponge is pumping our a rich lather from it’s tube-like structures. And a few more squeezes of the sponge under clear water and all of the soap is completely rinsed out with minimum effort. So simple, so effective.

Inhibiting the growth of bacteria

Allowing water and air to flow through keeps the sponge self cleaning and inhibits growth and cultivation of ‘nasties’ which in turn keeps it smelling fresh. That is a noticeable benefit when compared to washable cotton makeup wipes, a great natural alternative to disposables. The cotton fibres are dense, taking much longer than a sponge to dry out so inherently staying damp for longer. The damp encourages unwanted growth and cultivations which lead to unpleasant odours.

Easier to rinse than cotton wipes

Additionally, cotton’s dense fiber structure makes washing out embedded grease or makeup so much harder and needing so much more energy than a simple rinse of a natural sponge.

The best cleansing tool we clever humans can come up with is a synthetic sponge created from petroleum products or perhaps a cotton based wipe which has a huge water footprint. Meanwhile, nature has created the amazing, efficient pore system of natural sea sponges. Mother Nature really knows best.